Holcim statement on alternative fuels held at Misamis Oriental port


The Central Office of the Environment Management Bureau has sent an official letter to Bureau of Customs Port Collector John Simon dated May 21, 2019 stating that it has no objections to the importation and use of PEF (processed engineered fuel) as alternative fuels in cement kiln since it is declared as a product that underwent processing prior to shipment to the Philippines. 

This is in response to Mr. Simon’s inquiry to Region 10 EMB Director Reynaldo Digamo if the importation of processed engineered fuels (PEF) requires an Importation Clearance from the EMB Central office

The EMB Central Office letter adds that the materials conform to Section 4 of DENR Administrative Order  2010-06: Guidelines on the Use of Alternative Fuels and Raw Materials in Cement Kilns which is the basis for the acceptance criteria of Holcim Philippines for such materials. 

We are hoping that this clarifies the confusion regarding this matter. Our company maintains that the materials are PEF and these were accurately and truthfully declared as such. Acutely aware of the public outcry against the export of wastes to the Philippines and irresponsible and damaging waste disposal practices, Holcim Philippines’ importation and use of PEF as alternative fuel for its cement kilns is pursuant to its objective of contributing to the ongoing efforts to address the global waste problem.

While primarily known as a cement maker, Holcim Philippines is a partner in the efforts to address the waste management problem in the country. The company uses co-processing technology, wherein qualified materials such as non-recyclable plastics, rubber, textiles, cardboard and wood are used as an alternative to coal in making cement through waste management unit Geocycle.

Since 2010, Geocycle has transformed more than 25,000 metric tons of non-recyclable plastic wastes from various industrial partners and local governments as alternative fuel to replace coal and prevents these from ending up in landfills. Including agricultural and industrial wastes, Geocycle has co-processed 600,000 tons of alternative fuel starting in 2015, when we committed to increase our use of these. Aside from providing a safe and environment-friendly waste management solution, co-processing is also an important part of Holcim Philippines’ efforts to reduce carbon emissions and consumption of non-renewable resources such as coal.

In co-processing, alternative fuels made from plastic, rubber, cardboard and wood are fed into the high-temperature, long residence time kilns along with coal and other raw materials of cement. This process completely transforms alternative fuel to energy for cement production. The technology is approved by the Philippine authorities and is widely used all over the world for waste management due to its proven advantages in environmental and safety performance.

Geocycle is looking to have pilot projects with a number of local governments in 2019 to demonstrate the advantages of its waste management service over current alternatives such as landfilling.