Holcim Philippines shares road building expertise in PHILCONSTRUCT Mindanao

HOLCIM PHILIPPINES’ INNOVATIVE BUILDING SOLUTIONS FOR ROADS. Holcim Philippines Road Infrastructure Project Engineer Ace Romualdez discusses the company’s innovative building solutions during a technical forum in PHILCONSTRUCT Mindanao in SMX Lanang Davao last September 10. The PHILCONSTRUCT Mindanao is an event, in partnership with Davao Constructors Association Center, Inc.
Building solutions provider Holcim Philippines, Inc. shared its innovative offerings that can help the government better execute its road infrastructure program, a key thrust of the national infrastructure upgrade particularly in Mindanao, during the 2017 PHILCONSTRUCT in Davao last September 10.
Among Holcim Philippines’s infrastructure solutions are soil stabilization services for improved durability and better ridability of constructed roads. The government-accredited SuperFast Concrete for quick pavement repairs in highly urbanized areas, and roller-compacted concrete for cheaper and faster construction of smaller roads are some of the other solutions offered by Holcim Philippines.
Holcim Philippines Road Infrastructure Project Engineer Ace Romualdez discussed the company’s Integrated Road Offerings to help construction industry stakeholders better execute road projects through innovative alternatives, as well as enabling contractors to upgrade their skills and knowhow.
“The approach involves engaging project specifiers as early as possible so the company can better understand their needs and recommend the right building solutions for their projects. As a member of global building solutions leader LafargeHolcim, we have access to innovative building solutions to help the country in its infrastructure drive beyond supplying cement,” he said.
“These are just examples of our solutions, and we can introduce other innovative materials and services depending on the needs of the market. We believe that these are relevant and timely particularly in Mindanao where the government will invest heavily in the coming years to improve the road network,” Romualdez added.
This year, the government allocated around Php476 billion for the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) of which almost 40% will be spent for road building in Mindanao. The government has proposed to increase DPWH’s budget by around 37% to about Php643 billion in 2018.
Earlier this year, Holcim Philippines President and CEO Sapna Sood disclosed plans to further raise its Davao Plant’s cement production capacity to better support the government’s plans to upgrade infrastructure in Mindanao. This is part of Holcim Philippines’s $54 million investment plan to raise its nationwide cement production to 12 million metric tons by 2019 from the present 10 million metric tons.